Office: +39.0827.85.938
Mon - Fri: 09:00AM - 09:00PM Saturday: 09:00AM - 07:00PM Sunday: Closed
Zona ind.le Calaggio 83046 AV – Italy


Companies like yours

All of our customers share a common desire for intelligent engineering solutions that reduce complexity and risk and help them achieve their business goals more efficiently.
Our goal is to create deep and lasting relationships with them, sharing their risks and enabling them to move forward with major technological innovations.

Our Customers

We are proud to call our customers the leading manufacturers of the aviation industry, among which we list: LEONARDO (Airframe and Aicrafts), ALITALIA (Airlines), CAMOZZI (Pneumatics), Europea Microfusioni Aerospaziali (Rolls-Royce), FIART MARE (Yachting), INNSE–BERARDI (Machine Tools for Aerospace), TECNAM (Aircraft), MAGNAGHI Aerospace, VULCANAIR (Aircraft, K4A (Helicopters).

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